Omnibus Directive Sweden
Act | Act amending the Act on Contractual terms and Conditions in Consumer Relations (Lag om ändring i lagen (1994:1512) om avtalsvillkor i konsument[1]förhållanden).Act amending the Act on Price Information (Lag om ändring i prisinformationslagen (2004:347)). Act amending the Act on Distance Contracts an Off-premises Contracts (Lag om ändring i lagen (2005:59) om distansavtal och avtal utanför affärslokaler). Act amending the Marketing Act (Lag om ändring i marknadsföringslagen (2008:486)). |
Status | According to a decision taken by the Swedish Parliament on 18 May 2022 the new and amended regulation is expected to come into force on 1 September 2022. |
Penalties | By 1 September 2022 market disruption fines or conditional fines shall be fixed at no less than SEK 10,000 (EUR 1,000) and may not exceed 4% of the annual turnover. Similar fines may be issued for infringements of the Swedish Act on Contractual Terms and Conditions in Consumer Relations. If there are no indications for an estimate of the annual turnover, the maximum fine is EUR 2,000,000. |
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